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Embrace Nature's Healing Touch.

At Casa Agape, we bridge the ancient wisdom of the plant world to modern living.

Led by Emmy award-winning herbal expert Caroline Niedzwiecki, we offer tailored plant-based consultations and products designed to transform your health. Experience the highest form of plant-based healing with us.

Explore Our Services at Casa Agape.

At Casa Agape, we offer various services designed to connect you deeply with the healing powers of medicinal plants. Each offering is crafted to meet your unique wellness needs, guided by ancestral wisdom and backed by professional expertise.

Medicinal Plant Holistic Consultation.

Dive into a personalized holistic consultation that addresses your specific health concerns and goals. Our expert herbalist, Caroline Niedzwiecki, utilizes her deep-rooted knowledge and extensive training to create a tailored wellness plan. Embrace a natural approach to your health, with guidance every step of the way.

Medicinal Tea Clinic.

Experience the soothing and revitalizing benefits of our Medicinal Tea Clinic. Each session is designed to harmonize your body’s needs with the nurturing properties of the finest herbs. Enjoy a cup of custom-blended tea made just for you, and feel the stress and ailments melt away.

Medicinal Plant Formulation and Tea Consultancy for Businesses.

Extend the healing touch of medicinal plants to your customers. Casa Agape provides consultancy services for businesses looking to develop their own line of herbal teas or plant-based products. Benefit from Caroline’s extensive herbal knowledge and experience to create products that truly resonate with wellness.

Join us at Casa Agape and discover the transformative power of plants.

Whether you’re seeking personal healing or looking to enhance your business offerings, our services are tailored to bring the purest forms of nature’s love into your life.

About Casa Agape.

Our Philosophy.

At Casa Agape, we believe in the profound connection between the earth and human wellness.

Named after the Greek word for the highest form of love, Agape, our sanctuary is dedicated to embodying this divine, unconditional love through the power of medicinal plants.

Each herb and leaf at Casa Agape is cultivated and chosen for its potential to enhance health and spiritual well-being, serving as a physical manifestation of care and love from the creator to us.

Meet Our Founder -

Caroline Niedzwiecki

Born into the lush landscapes of Brazil and raised with the belief that plants are sacred gifts, Caroline Niedzwiecki has always been attuned to the natural world.

Her journey from Brazil to New England was fueled by a desire to deepen her linguistic skills, but it blossomed into a life dedicated to herbal medicine. Caroline's upbringing, rich with ancestral wisdom about the healing power of plants, formed the foundation of her passion.

After a successful career spanning over two decades in the film and broadcast industry, Caroline, an Emmy award-winning professional, pivoted her life's work to focus on her first love—herbal medicine.

With knowledge from globally recognized programs, including David Winston's Clinical Herbalist Program, Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Studies, and studies at Cornell University, Caroline has expertly blended traditional herbal practices with modern techniques.

Today, she is a bridge between the worlds of human experience and botanical healing, guiding others to discover nature's curative powers.

Our Mission.

Casa Agape is more than just a center for herbal studies; it's a community where healing begins with understanding and harnessing the virtues of medicinal plants.

We are committed to guiding our visitors through their personal health journeys with care, expertise, and a deep respect for the natural world.

Welcome to Casa Agape—a place where the healing power of nature is always within reach, and every visit enriches your body, mind, and soul.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What can I expect during a medicinal plant holistic consultation?

During your consultation, Caroline Niedzwiecki will give you a personalized assessment. She will discuss your health goals and challenges and then recommend specific plants and herbal remedies tailored to your needs.

Are the herbal teas at the Medicinal Tea Clinic safe for everyone?

Our teas are crafted using safe, natural ingredients. However, we recommend informing us of any allergies or specific health conditions during your visit so we can ensure your safety and well-being.

How do I prepare for my first visit?

Come prepared with a list of any symptoms, current medications, and health concerns. This information will help us provide the most effective care tailored to your situation.

Can Casa Agape customize herbal products for my business?

Yes, we offer consultancy services to help businesses develop unique herbal formulations, including teas and other plant-based products. Contact us to discuss your business needs and how we can assist.

What are the credentials of your herbalist, Caroline Niedzwiecki?

Caroline is trained through David Winston’s Clinical Herbalist Program and Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Studies and has also undertaken specific studies at Cornell University. She brings over two decades of experience in natural healing and herbal medicine.

Do I need to book an appointment for a consultation or visit?

We recommend booking an appointment to ensure you receive the dedicated time and attention from our herbalist. Please visit our Contact section for details on how to book.

What is the refund policy for products and services?

We strive to provide the highest level of satisfaction with our products and services. If you are not satisfied with a purchase or service, please contact us within 30 days for a refund or exchange as per our terms and conditions.

How can I stay informed about workshops or new offerings at Casa Agape?

Join our mailing list! We frequently update our community about upcoming workshops, new products, and seasonal tips for holistic health. You can sign up through our website or at our center.

Get in Touch with Casa Agape.

We're here to help you on your natural health and well-being journey. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have a question, need more information about our services, or want to schedule a consultation.

Our team is eager to assist you and ensure you have all the necessary information.

- Contact Information


- Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

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Ready to start your holistic health journey?

Schedule your consultation by phone, email, or directly through our online booking system [Insert link to SETMORE].

Your phone is not mandatory but it will help us contact you faster.

We look forward to welcoming you to Casa Agape and guiding you through your personalized path to wellness.